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Newly Formed Businessess
Date Started
Enhanced Profiles
Has Twitter
Has Facebook
Company Revenue
Less than $500
$501 → $1000
$1001 → $2500
$2501 → $5K
$5K → $10K
$10K → $20K
$20K → $50K
$50K → $100K
$100K → $500K
$500K → $1M
$1M and above
Number of Employees
0 → 4
5 → 9
10 → 19
20 → 49
50 → 99
100 → 249
250 → 499
500 → 999
1,000 → 4,999
5,000 → 9,999
More than 10,000
Location Type
Headquarters (HQ)
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